These are some side projects I've been developing for a while now:
Investment research tool
Link(username & password are 'spencer')
I have been interested in stock investing ever since I was a teenager when my Dad was teaching me financial literacy. I started reading books about stock picking and watching YouTube videos where promiment investors like Warren Buffett would offer advice to people just starting out. I was searching for rules, structures, and principles from which to operate. One book, "The Intelligent Investor," resonated with me in particular. It provided a framework for stock evaluation that I implemented in this website to make it easier to do my own stock research. Please feel free to use it to evaluate any stocks that you are interested in. I also included links to Investopedia articles that explain many of the calculations and concepts in great detail.
One-stop practice shop for gig musicians
Musicians always need to practice for their upcoming shows. Most bands create a setlist ahead of time. The problem is that while the setlist might be in Google Docs, practice materials scatter. Charts are either in Guitar Tabs or Google Drive. Text threads bury audio demos that were sent once, but the rest of the songs are on Spotify. There's no one-stop shop for practice materials... until Setlistener. Now bands can build their entire set, charts and audio, all in one place. Unreleased demos alongside everyone's favorite famous pop songs.
Exploratory data analysis of Spotify tracks
I'm a nerd about the acoustic features of music. I discovered the concept through a TED Talk about what makes a hit song. I wanted to explore the data myself, so I exported a bunch of song data from Spotify and built a website to visualize it. You can find that here: Chartify